"What About Their Peer Relationships?": Answers To Questions About The Social Development Of Homeschooled Children by Paul E. White, Ph.D.
22pp 1994 Family Resources, 4850 N. 143rd St. East, Wichita, KS 67228
reviewed by Annabel Haylett
When you tell someone that you are planning to homeschool your children, or are already doing so, the first question they ask is usually, "But what about your child’s social development?" This little booklet deals helpfully and concisely with the concerns that have been raised regarding the social development, socialisation and social skills of homeschooled children.
The pamphlet is organised into three sections:
Foundational Information:
The social skills which need to be learned, those which are more important, at what age they need to be learned, the difference between socialisation and social skills, and what the Bible has to say about this issue.
Practical Issues:
Beginning steps homeschooling parents can take to help their children learn social skills, how social skills are taught and learned, and recommended activities for teaching various social skills.
Specific Concerns:
Peer socialisation, playgroups, shy children, potential warning signs that may indicate a problem in a child’s socialisation, benefits in social development from homeschooling.
The author is a homeschooling father, and a licensed psychologist who has specialised in working with children, adolescents, and families. He has published professional research regarding the social skills of children.
This booklet is available in the U.K. from The Home Service, 48 Heaton Moor Rd, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4NX Tel: 0161 432-3782, at a cost of £2 plus postage.